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Sunday, December 12, 2010

My newest addiction.......*sigh*

My apologies. I never got it before. I never understood.

Now, I am amongst the ranks of those with The Gain Addiction.

There I was, in the laundry detergent aisle in Mal-Wart, looking for something new. Hubby seemingly has an allergy to Downy Simple Pleasures fabric softener (can you say, "The Itchy and Scratchy Show"?) As I am a big smell person, and being continually bombarded with Gain commericals, I started my downhill slide into possibly mainlining this stuff.

I sniffed the detergent bottle.


I picked up the detergent, and left the aisle.

I went back for the the softener, and left the aisle.

I went back again for the softener sheets.

I have my eye on the huge, enormous, enough-detergent-for-the-block-sized bottle.

Someone stop me.

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